Welcome to Cinra

A land separated into the four elements–Earth, Air, Fire, and Water–Cinra is full of Elemental Aspects, humanoids built from their own individual element. But there is also a fifth element, Dark, that transcends and encompasses all the other elements. When those in power decide the Dark Aspects can no longer be trusted, war breaks out and the Dark Aspects are all but wiped out. And now, the world is unbalanced and things are starting to fall apart. Can they determine what’s wrong and how to fix it before it is too late?


Robin MacAllister

I’ve always been a creative, but it has been decades since I have written anything substantial. As a teenager, I adored writing and my greatest experience was visiting a creative writing camp in Ghost Ranch, NM where I really fell into my own. However, life took its many turns and writing disappeared from my world.

In 2014, I learned about NaNoWriMo and won (after an intensive Prep-October), but successfully wrote about half of a first draft. After learning a few things about plotting, character development, and the craft in general, I got frustrated and put it aside. Nine years later, I have picked up the draft, re-written it in my second NaNoWriMo, and am creating a much better second draft.

It has been a wild journey learning the writing craft and the ins-and-outs of the business of writing. I still have much more to learn as I make my way through this journey, but I look forward to seeing my first book — and hopefully the full series — in print!


Collin M.

“The world Robin has created is intense and deep and each time I learn more about it I can’t wait to find out the next tidbit she shares with me.”

From the blog